Internet and Mobile Marketing

Introduces the fundamentals and methodologies for developing effective, Internet-based, digital marketing strategies. Specific areas of focus include search engine marketing (SEM) and optimization (SEO), pay-per-click (PPC), website analytics, webpage and content optimization, and best practices for online advertising and email marketing. Additionally, mobile marketing topics such as developing a mobile strategy, planning a mobile web presence, and the effective use of mobile apps and tactics are explored. This course will prepare students to complete the Google AdWord Certification.

There are no Pre-Requisites


Course: Internet and Mobile Marketing (63690)

Location: Virtual Campus
Duration: 10/14/2024 - 12/13/2024

Days & Time:

Mon, Tues, Wed, Thurs, Fri, Sat, Sun: 12:00 AM - 12:01 AM




Debra Wallner

Tuition and Fees: $484.91

Out of State Tuition and Fees: $484.91

Status:Active Seats Available:12
Essential Class Information: Online courses use Blackboard for course content and assignments. Information about accessing Blackb ...

Subject Image

Marketing, Sales, and Service

Catalog #10104180