Intro to the Criminal Justice System
Undergraduate | 3 Credits
CATALOG #10504104
This course is an introduction into the criminal justice system and it examines its components: law enforcement, court processes and corrections. Students will explore the qualifications and the selection process for the profession and will identify the duties and responsibilities of those who work within the criminal justice system. Prerequisite: Admission to Criminal Justice-Corrections & Community Advocacy Program 105047
Stevens Point
Fall 2025
Court Procedures
Undergraduate | 3 Credits
CATALOG #10504112
Learners examine the court system to include the formation and design of the courts, the key roles of the courts, and the application of law in the courts. The differences between the federal and state systems are explored. The roles and authority of law enforcement, prosecutors, defense attorneys, and judges are investigated. A main focus is dissecting each stage of a criminal case from the initial arrest through the final appeal. Prerequisite: Admission to Criminal Justice-Studies program 105045 and Criminal Law for LE 10504164
Wisconsin Rapids
Fall 2025
Introduction to Law Enforcement
Undergraduate | 3 Credits
CATALOG #10504114
Explores who the police are, what they do, and how they do it. The course provides a general overview of policing in our society so that learners can understand why and how policing is performed. Addresses jobs available in policing, how to get them, what skills you will need and what you will do when you get those jobs. Learners will get a clear look at policing to help them determine if this career is for them. Prerequisite: Admission to Criminal Justice-Studies program 105045; Corequisite: English Composition 1 10801136 or Written Communication 10801195
Wisconsin Rapids
Fall 2025
Contemporary Issues in Law Enforcement
Undergraduate | 3 Credits
CATALOG #10504115
This course examines contemporary issues in law enforcement, focusing on the dynamic relationship between police and community attitudes. It emphasizes ethical decision-making and the importance of cultivating a professional mindset to address current challenges effectively. Prerequisites: Admission to Criminal Justice-Studies program 105045 and Intro to Law Enforcement 10504114
Virtual Campus
Spring 2025
Patrol Procedures
Undergraduate | 3 Credits
CATALOG #10504125
Learners are introduced to effective patrol techniques related to the use of law enforcement electronic equipment, traffic enforcement, and patrol-related techniques. Learners will utilize a mixture of classroom and realistic training exercises while using equipment that is consistent with what actual law enforcement officers use in the field. Prerequisites: Admission to Criminal Justice-Studies program 105045
Wisconsin Rapids
Fall 2025
Undergraduate | 2 Credits
CATALOG #10504128
Examines the duties of a 9-1-1 telecommunicator and their role in the public safety team. Focuses on how to handle an emergency when someone calls or radios for help. Further, the learner will review roles and responsibilities, legal aspects, interpersonal communications, trending technology, telephone techniques and call processing, call classification, and radio communications. Learners will discover how to take care of themselves as a 9-1-1 telecommunicator.
Stevens Point
Fall 2025
Secure Detention
Undergraduate | 2 Credits
CATALOG #10504178
Reviews theories of adolescent development, history of juvenile court, the Wisconsin Juvenile Justice Code, and the Wisconsin Administrative Code as it applies to juvenile offenders. Learners become familiar with procedures to admit/release adolescents in secure detention. Learners also apply strategies for effective supervision, protection, and discipline of juveniles and adolescents in secure detention settings, including those classified as special-needs offenders. Students meeting all requirements of this course they will be certifiable to work in a juvenile detention colocated facility in the State of Wisconsin. Prerequisite: Admission to Corrections & Community Advocacy program 105047
Stevens Point
Fall 2025
Basic Jail Academy 2
Undergraduate | 3 Credits
CATALOG #10504185
This State of Wisconsin jail preparatory training program includes the following topics: Introduction to Corrections, Principles of Subject Control, Maintain Jail Security, Jail Hostage Response, Professional Communication Skills, Ethics and EthicalDecision Making, Admit and Release Inmates, Inmate Supervision and Behavior Control, Supervision of Special Needs Inmates/Crisis Intervention, Prepare Reports, Correctional Law, Jail Health Care, Cardio-Pulmonary Resuscitation, Jail Fire Safety, Application: Scenarios/Simulations, and Testing/Evaluation. Once learners successfully complete this course and the Basic Jail Academy 1 course, they are eligible for certifiable status by the State of Wisconsin to work in a county jail. This is primarily a lab-based class. Prerequisite: Admission to Corrections and Community Advocacy 105047 program or Criminal Justice-Studies 105045 program or Jail Academy 305044 program, passing of a background check and medical screening; Corequisite: Basic Jail Academy 1 10504184
Wisconsin Rapids
Fall 2025, Spring 2025
Criminal Law for LE
Undergraduate | 3 Credits
CATALOG #10504164
Learners will identify concepts specific to criminal law to include the purpose, scope, and sources of law. Students will analyze Wisconsin State Statutes to learn about Wisconsin’s crimes against people, property, and other forms of criminal behavior. Learners will study how the criminal code is enforced with regard to juveniles in Wisconsin. Prerequisite: Admission to Criminal Justice-Studies program 105045
Wisconsin Rapids
Fall 2025
Undergraduate | 3 Credits
CATALOG #10504143
Learners will explore crime causation to include sources of data used to analyze crime, demographics of victims and offenders, and the main theories on crime causation. The main crime causation theories will be explored and used to analyze crime on a societal and individual level. Prerequisite: Admission to Criminal Justice-Studies program 105045
Stevens Point
Spring 2025