Undergraduate | 4 Credits
CATALOG #10806197
Examines microbial structure, metabolism, genetics, growth and the relationship between humans and microbes. Addresses disease production, epidemiology, host defense mechanisms and the medical impact of microbes. Presents the role of microbes in the environment, industry, and biotechnology. Prerequisite: "C" or better in General Anatomy & Physiology 10806177 or General Biology 10806114 or Plant Biology 10806184
Offered Collegewide
Fall 2025, Spring 2025, Summer 2025
Applied Science
Undergraduate | 2 Credits
CATALOG #32806351
This survey course in basic physics is designed for students in the Automotive Technician, Diesel & Heavy Equipment Technician, and Precision Machining Technician programs. Topics have been specially selected to provide students with basic support material for principles applied in the above listed programs. Topics to be covered include basic measurement skills; problem solving; motion; forces and energy transfer in linear and rotary systems; properties of solids, liquids and gases; temperature and heat; and basic DC electricity.
Wisconsin Rapids
Fall 2025, Spring 2025
General Anatomy & Physiology
Undergraduate | 4 Credits
CATALOG #10806177
Examines basic concepts of human anatomy and physiology as they relate to health sciences. Using a body systems approach, the course emphasizes the interrelationships between structure and function at the gross and microscopic levels of organization of the entire human body. It is intended to prepare health care professionals who need to apply basic concepts of whole-body anatomy and physiology to informed decision making and professional communication with colleagues and patients. Prerequisite: High School GPA of 2.6 and MMS_1 and MMM_1 or Accuplacer Reading Skills of 262 and QAS of 246 or ACT Math score of 19 and Reading score of 19 or College Reading and Writing 1 10831104 or College Math 10804107 or Intermediate Algebra with Applications 10804118 with a "C" or better, or General Chemistry 10806134, or General Biology 10806114, or Human Body in Health & Disease 31509302
Offered Collegewide
Fall 2025, Spring 2025, Summer 2025
Advanced Anatomy & Physiology
Undergraduate | 4 Credits
CATALOG #10806179
The second semester in a two-semester sequence in which normal human anatomy and physiology are studied using a body system approach with emphasis on the interrelationships between form and function at the gross and microscopic levels of organization. Instructional delivery is within a classroom and laboratory setting. Experimentation within a science lab includes analysis of cellular metabolism and the individual components of body systems such as the nervous, neuromuscular, cardiovascular, and urinary. Continued examination of homeostatic mechanisms and their relationship to fluid, electrolyte, acid-base balance, and blood. Integration of genetics to human reproduction and development are also included in this course. Prerequisite: General Anatomy & Physiology 10806177 with a grade of "C" or better.
Marshfield, Stevens Point, Wisconsin Rapids
Fall 2025, Spring 2025, Summer 2025
General Chemistry
Undergraduate | 4 Credits
CATALOG #10806134
Covers the fundamentals of chemistry. Topics include the metric system; problem solving; periodic relationships; chemical reactions, chemical equilibrium; properties of water; acids, bases, and salts; and gas laws. Prerequisite: High School GPA of 2.6 and MMS_1 and MMM_1 or Accuplacer Reading Skills of 262 and QAS of 246 or ACT Math score of 19 and Reading score of 19 or College Mathematics 10804107 or Intermediate Algebra with Applications 10804118 with a "C" or better
Virtual Campus
Fall 2025, Spring 2025, Summer 2025
General Biology
Undergraduate | 4 Credits
CATALOG #10806114
Introduces general biological concepts and principles. Emphasis is on cell structure and function, genetics, evolution, and taxonomical relationships. Consideration is also given to diversity among the various kingdoms. Prerequisite: High School GPA of 2.6 and MMS_1 or Accuplacer Reading Skills of 249 or ACT Reading score of 15
Stevens Point
Fall 2025, Spring 2025
College Physics 1
Undergraduate | 3 Credits
CATALOG #10806143
Presents the applications and theory of basic physics principles. This course emphasizes problem solving, laboratory investigation and applications. Topics include laboratory safety, unit conversions and analysis, kinematics, dynamics, work, energy, power, temperature and heat. Corequisite: Trigonometry with Applications 10804196
Stevens Point
Fall 2025, Spring 2025
General Physics 1
Undergraduate | 4 Credits
CATALOG #10806154
Presents the applications and theory of basic physics principles. This course emphasizes problem solving, laboratory investigation, and applications. Topics include unit conversion and analysis, vectors, translational and rotational kinematics, translational and rotational dynamics, heat and temperature, and harmonic motion and waves. Corequisite: Trigonometry with Applications 10804196
Stevens Point
Fall 2025, Spring 2025
Plant Biology
Undergraduate | 3 Credits
CATALOG #10806184
This lecture/laboratory course provides students with an in-depth study of the plant kingdom. The content includes, but is not limited to, plant cell anatomy and physiology, plant genetics, plant classification, plant anatomy and physiology, plant responses, plant life cycles, and ecology. A survey of viruses, prokaryotes, protista, and fungi as they pertain to plants is presented.
Wisconsin Rapids
Fall 2025
Applied Microbiology
Undergraduate | 2 Credits
CATALOG #31806311
Directs the learner's understanding of aseptic techniques, antimicrobial methods, specimen collection, preparation of cultures, body defenses against microorganisms, the infectious process, and the transmission of disease-causing organisms. Students learn such techniques as standard and transmission-based precautions, sanitization, disinfection, sterilization, preparation of cultures, and microscopic slide preparations with simple staining and gram staining.
Marshfield, Virtual Campus
Spring 2025
Basic Anatomy
Undergraduate | 3 Credits
CATALOG #10806189
Examines concepts of anatomy and physiology as they relate to health careers. Learners correlate anatomical and physiological terminology to all body systems. Prerequisite: High School GPA of 2.6 and MMS_1 or Accuplacer Reading Skills of 249 or ACT Reading score of 15
Virtual Campus
Fall 2025, Spring 2025, Summer 2025