PLA - Health Navigator

This is a Prior Learning Assessment (PLA) to test out of the actual course. This PLA is comprised of a portfolio of your work or essay-style answers which will be scored individually by the instructor. There is a non-refundable fee to take this exam. Upon payment, you will be enrolled in Blackboard where you will see directions for submitting your responses and some tips for success. You must score an 80% or better for credit to be awarded. This course prepares the student to support client navigation within the healthcare and social systems. Employed in a variety of settings, the health navigator serves as the primary client liaison to organizations and systems. The student will learn how to work with clients, synchronizing care of the physical, psychological, and social needs while providing assistance through health education, the identification and reduction of barriers, and linking clients to services to address care needs. PLA Portfolio (or extended response answers) $90 non-refundable fee.

There are no Pre-Requisites


Course: PLA - Health Navigator (25553)

PLA-Prior Learning Assessment
Location: Virtual Campus
Duration: 1/22/2024 - 5/16/2024

Days & Time:

Mon, Tues, Wed, Thurs, Fri, Sat, Sun: 12:00 AM - 12:01 AM


Prior Learning Assessment


Carrie Jarosinski

Tuition and Fees: $90.00

Out of State Tuition and Fees: $90.00

Status:Active Seats Available:28
This class is for Prior Learning Assessment (PLA) testing only.

Subject Image

PLA - Health Navigator

Catalog #89546113