PLA - Oral/Interpersonal Communication

This is a Prior Learning Assessment (PLA) to test out of the actual course. This PLA is comprised of a skills demonstration scheduled between you and the instructor and an exam. There is a non-refundable fee to take this PLA. Upon payment, you will be enrolled in Blackboard where you will see a sample rubric or checklist of how you will be graded and directions for contacting the instructor to schedule the demonstration. You must score an 80% or better for credit to be awarded. Focuses on developing effective listening techniques and verbal and nonverbal communication skills through oral presentation, group activity, and other projects. The study of self, conflict, and cultural contexts will be explored, as well as their impact on communication. PLA Skill Demonstration and Exam. $90 non-refundable fee.

There are no Pre-Requisites


Course: PLA - Oral/Interpersonal Communication (24901)

PLA-Prior Learning Assessment
Location: Wisconsin Rapids
Duration: 1/20/2025 - 5/13/2025

Days & Time:

Mon, Tues, Wed, Thurs, Fri, Sat, Sun: 12:00 AM - 12:01 AM


Prior Learning Assessment


Abigail Ferrell

Tuition and Fees: $90.00

Out of State Tuition and Fees: $90.00

Status:Active Seats Available:30
Essential Class Information: This class is for Prior Learning Assessment (PLA) testing only.<br/>The exam and skills demonstratio ...

Subject Image

PLA - Oral/Interpersonal Communication

Catalog #89801196