Essential Concepts for Health and Wellness

This class introduces the student to basic health and wellness promotion principles at the individual level including the six dimensions of wellness, determinants of health and behavior change theory. Students explore a holistic view of health and wellness concepts covering healthy lifestyle choices, managing stress, individual wellness perspective and how economics can positively and negatively impact the health and wellness of an individual.

There are no Pre-Requisites


Course: Essential Concepts for Health and Wellness (64093)

Location: Virtual Campus
Duration: 8/19/2024 - 10/11/2024

Days & Time:

Mon, Tues, Wed, Thurs, Fri, Sat, Sun: 12:00 AM - 12:01 AM




Carrie Jarosinski

Tuition and Fees: $484.91

Out of State Tuition and Fees: $484.91

Status:Active Seats Available:14
Essential Class Information: Online courses use Blackboard for course content and assignments. Information about accessing Blackb ...

Subject Image

Health Sciences

Catalog #10546100