Community Policing

Learners will analyze key components of Community Policing including community partnerships, organizational transformation and problem solving. They will examine the role of the patrol officer in relation to community-oriented and problem-oriented policing. Learners will identify community-oriented needs and work directly in the field with community partners to develop a plan for implementation. Prerequisites: Admission to Criminal Justice-Studies program 105045 and Introduction to Law Enforcement 10504114

Introduction to Law Enforcement


Course: Community Policing (22975)

Hybrid/In Person > 50% online
Location: Wisconsin Rapids
Duration: 3/24/2025 - 5/12/2025

Days & Time:

Mon: 9:00 AM - 11:50 AM


E107 Classroom WR


Paul Bushmaker

Tuition and Fees: $484.91

Out of State Tuition and Fees: $484.91

Status:Active Seats Available:24
Essential Class Information: This class incorporates various types of instruction. The online portion is delivered through Blackb ...

Subject Image

Community Policing

Catalog #10504129