PLA - Quantitative Reasoning

This is a Prior Learning Assessment (PLA) to test out of the actual course. This PLA is comprised of a portfolio of your work or mathematical answers which will be scored individually by the instructor. There is a non-refundable fee to take this exam. Upon payment, you will be enrolled in Blackboard where you will see directions for submitting your responses and some tips for success. You must score an 80% or better for credit to be awarded. This course is intended to develop analytic reasoning and the ability to solve quantitative problems. Topics to be covered may include: construction & interpretation of graphs; descriptive statistics; geometry & spatial visualizations; math of finance; functions and modeling; probability; and logic. Appropriate use of units and dimensions, estimates, mathematical notation, and available technology will be emphasized throughout the course. PLA Skill Demonstration $90 non-refundable fee

There are no Pre-Requisites


Course: PLA - Quantitative Reasoning (24910)

PLA-Prior Learning Assessment
Location: Stevens Point
Duration: 1/20/2025 - 5/13/2025

Days & Time:

Mon, Tues, Wed, Thurs, Fri, Sat, Sun: 12:00 AM - 12:01 AM


Prior Learning Assessment


Margaret Leonhardt

Tuition and Fees: $90.00

Out of State Tuition and Fees: $90.00

Status:Active Seats Available:30
This class is for Prior Learning Assessment (PLA) testing only.

Course: PLA - Quantitative Reasoning (40807)

PLA-Prior Learning Assessment
Location: Stevens Point
Duration: 5/15/2025 - 8/6/2025

Days & Time:

Mon, Tues, Wed, Thurs, Fri, Sat, Sun: 12:00 AM - 12:01 AM


Prior Learning Assessment


Margaret Leonhardt

Tuition and Fees: $0.00

Status:Active Seats Available:30
This class is for Prior Learning Assessment (PLA) testing only.
Registration begins on 4/1/2025
Summer classes that are displaying tuition and fees of $0 will be updated by April 15th. If you enroll in the class, you will be billed once the tuition and fees have been updated.

Subject Image

PLA - Quantitative Reasoning

Catalog #89804135